07-29-2022 12:52 PM - last edited on 09-21-2022 03:41 AM by Anusha_Vemula
In this community article, we will look at the steps involved in generating CSR and updating certificate on Cloudpath ES from GUI.
Login to the Cloudpath ES web UI.
Step 1: Browse Administration>>>System Services
under Web server>>>Select Upload WWW Certificate
Step 2: Select Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and click Next
Step 3: Fill in all the details and click Next.
- Comman Name: should match with the fqdn name of the CP.
- Organization: Name of Organization.
- Email Address: e-mail id of requester from the Organization.
- Locality, State, Country: As per the installed location.
- Rest of settings can be used as default.
Step 4: Download the CSR now with Download CST tab.
NOTE: Submit the CSR with a public CA and request for certificates in PEM format(preferably).
Step 5: Once certificate is available, make all the cert files ready for upload.
(If you are on Step 4 Tab, then select Upload Certificate)
(If you are on back on System Services Tab, perform Step 1 and then select Upload the WWW certificate and Click Next)
Step 6: Upload all the required files in correct format.
- Public Key (PEM) - Upload web server certificate received by CA in PEM format
- Chain (PEM or p7b) - Upload Root CA in PEM or p7b
- Additional Chain - Upload Intermediate CA in PEM
- Additional Chain - Upload Intermediate CA if chain have more than 3 certificate in PEM.
- Private Key Source - If certificate received was raised with the CSR from Cloudpath, select Certificate is based on CSR.
- Private Key Source - If certificate received was raised without a CSR from Cloudpath, select Upload Private Key.
- Private Key (PEM) - Upload Private key in PEM
- Private Key Password - If private key is password protected, enter password here, if not protected ignore.
Click Next to proceed further.
Step 7: Cert is uploaded and system is restarting web service, once web service restarts it will redirect you to Administrator page.
NOTE: In case the GUI access is lost follow this article to recover web access https://support.ruckuswireless.com/articles/000010915