RUCKUS Support for Lennar Homes
RUCKUS Support for Lennar SmartHome customers.
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Forum Posts

Internet is down, not an ATT issue

Hello- I bought a Lennar home two years ago.  Internet is down today and I called ATT, no issues seem to be on their end.  I have 3 green lights at the ruckus box on: STAT, SYST, PWRthere are also some green lights flickering where Ethernet cords are...

KLAO286 by New Contributor
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Network Servers are not working

Hi, we purchased a Lennar homes 2 years ago, the network server downstairs and upstairs stop working one month ago, Lennar gave us the link to contact you for this issue.  We were charged $4,000 each for network server by Lennar builder, and they sto...

Switch Not Working

I changed internet providers today and I connected the modem to the router which I then connected to the Ruckus switch and since I did that, my old connections are working via wifi but everything that was connected via Ethernet is not connecting. I a...


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