02-28-2024 09:16 AM
Trying to upgrade or flash the 8200-switch to version RDR10010bufi.bin using the SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) but getting an error message: "scp: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64.
Using servers for SCP upgrade on the switches.
Command used to flash the Switch: "scp RDR10010bufi.bin fdp@x.x.x.x: flash: primary".
Executing the command from the folder containing the firmware image on the local (Ubuntu) server.
SCP push/pull from server is not allowed anymore.
SCP must be initiated from FI CLI only. This was a design/security change in 9.x/10. x.
SCP push/pull is being purposefully blocked in 9.x/10. x. It will not be added back in and was blocked as a security consideration.
We can use SCP via CLI with the help of the commands below.
copy scp flash x.x.x.x RDR10010bufi.bin primary
copy scp flash x.x.x.x RDR10010bufi.bin secondary