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Username shows “AccountDPSK-xxxxxxxx” when using a DPSK in SZ/RC/ZD

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Team,

When a user goes through enrolment and gets a DPSK. When they then use that DPSK each device shows up as AccountDPSK-xxxxxx for the username:

Since the user went through an enrollment, CloudPath knows the username and we can use a POLICY to return the username attribute.

  1. Create a RADIUS Attribute Group that associates the RADIUS value “User-name” to the variable ${USERNAME} make sure to modify the assignment behavior to add or replace:Vigneshwar_0-1681289128539.png
  2. Create a POLICY that returns that attribute:Vigneshwar_1-1681289128542.png
  3. Apply that POLICY to the DPSK pool:Vigneshwar_5-1681289574425.png


During the next auth of that device, the returned value of the variable ${USERNAME} will be visible in the controller:







New Contributor

Thank you!  This works great for this purpose. However, then if we create a DPSK manually in the pool for other devices, the username for those becomes "${USERNAME}" in SmartZone, instead of the name of the DPSK itself, likely because the "Enrollment User Name" is blank.  Any thoughts on how to fix this?  I tried amending the Regex for Username to several other things to try and just match like "AccountDpsk" but no luck.