Hello,I'm facing a problem and cant figure out how to solv.When the clients are redirected to user_login_auth.jsp we receive a error: err_empty_responseAny help?
Hey,I'm trying to use Ruckus R730.I found confusing information in different documentation:* it's clear that it supports 20/40/80 Mhz* in some places (for example documentation about ZC) I can see that it can support 80+80/160To check how it works I ...
My R650 AP did a power cycle for no reason I tried to check the reason for this, but it's too difficult.I share my log file and event logPlease help mehttps://www.notion.so/coraise/e5e6183993054c00992ca4819530c54a?pvs=4
Dear Community,I am facing this issue since the network deployed. I have Zonedirector-1200 with 25 Ruckus indoor APs Model R350 and R650,APs are on POE powered and also one AP is connected with adopter but all APs showing same error.APs are rebooting...