Hello, just wondering if anyone has implemented Zero-IT activation in their environment (we are a school) using Google Apps to authenticate via Cloudessa as the AAA server? How complex was it to set up and what were the costs? Or is there another way...
Anyone else experiencing issues with OSX clients connecting to APs, then randomly not being able to pass traffic/browse the internet?We're seeing this primarily with OSX 10.11 clients. We have ZD1200s and R710s running 9.13.1Ruckus support's latest f...
Changed Subnet of Gateway/Firewall and can't talk to WAP's. Had the local tech do a factory reset, but now I can't get it added back into the director.
It's 3am and I'm bored, so I'm reading the ZoneDirector 9.13 CLI Reference Guide when something jumps out at me:From the description the max-clients option in the wlan context limits the total number of clients that can associate with a given SSID. H...