We are using ZoneDirector 3000 in our environment and lately we noticed that one particular user which we blocked from the network (because user was hogging all the Internet bandwidth) keeps on re-joining the network but with different MAC Addresses....
There is something strange in the logs of my R500 Unleshed, every minute repeats this:Mar 13 23:04:09 Ruckus meshd[9415]: No server running! Controller exiting.Mar 13 23:04:05 Ruckus ZD-APMgr: IPC_thread rcv ping from TACMON Mar 13 23:...
I have an Unleashed R710 running latest firmware and I am unable to disable any legacy data rates.Selecting '11n only Mode' under the Global 2.4GHz radio settings does nothing. The AP still beacons that the legacy rates are mandatory.I...