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Migration of ZD controllers location

New Contributor
I have 3+1 ZD configured with SmartRedundancy, they serve different locations and multiples APs, almost 300. The thing is that the ZD will be moved to another location, and with different IP directions. Another issue is that the APs have fixed IP, and they were configured trough CLI. So my plan to migrate the equipment is this:

- Disable SmartRedundancy (N+1) in spare ZD
- Move only the Spare ZD to new location and give it a valid IP (x.x.x.x)
- Config the Spare ZD with SmartRedundancy to serve just 1 active ZD (ZD#1)
- Tell the APs that his spare controller is in the new IP (x.x.x.x)

%%The way i see it, this step is critical. ¿It is possible to change the primary controller adress for every AP remotely? or ¿It is possible to tell the AP that his primary controller is now secondary and secodary is primary?. %%%%

- Dissconnect  ZD#1 and wait for all APs to connect Spare ZD
- Move ZD#1 to new location and give it new IP adress (a.a.a.a)
- Tell APs that his new primary controller is in (a.a.a.a)
- Restore ZD#1 control and repeat the process for all the others controllers.

Please give me your thoughts on this, and I'm open to any comment!

Thanks in advance.