RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

r310 wi-fi network reset

Hi to all, i'm new in this forum and product use... i have inherited a wifi network of 4 ap ruckus r310, unfortunately i cant access to any web interface of none of these.... how i can procede to reset and ricreate a network wireless? do i need to d...

avpd_output: 1027: Error in policy_type 0?

Running R610 with the latest version of Unleashed (, I'm seeing this error spamming my logs from all the APs: avpd_output: 1027: Error in policy_type 0 Anyone know how to get rid of it?

Blocking Client from 1 AP

Hi guys, Running a couple of AP's unleashed and i would like to block a client from the master but allow it on a member AP. I have blocked the MAC address on the AP concerned but in the block list it does not show which AP the client is blocked fro...

R750 Unleashed Single AP (Best Settings)

Looking for tips / pros that have an ideal set of configs for a single R750 beyond default settings that you would recommend? The Community has been so awesome helping me out and I searched but didn't see any existing threads. Thanks in advance!


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