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RUCKUS Community Guidelines

Welcome to the RUCKUS Pack! The RUCKUS Networks Community is a place to ask questions, resolve issues, learn, exchange ideas, and connect with your peers. The Pack includes a diverse range of members who are passionate about sharing and collaborating...


Firestore connection with Alteryx

I have a requirement to extract data from firebase which is used to build serverless applications.Can we connect Firebase no-sql database(Firestore) to ETL tool Alteryx, could not find any relevant documentation on the application website.

pavanitus by New Contributor
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r310 does not save the configuration

Good morning, I have a Ruckus R310 with Unleashed, when I configure it, there are times that it saves the configuration or other times it restarts to the unconfigured state. And the times that it manages to record the configuration, after 1 or 2 rebo...

Lizardo by New Contributor
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ICX UI issue

Just wanted to notify the Ruckus software engineers with a UI issue on the ICX switch section only I found using both Chrome version 105.0.5195.102 and Firefox version 102.2.0esr (64-bit). The Admin down port counter is out of bounds on the UI. 


Resolved! Redes Wifi

Hola, existe alguna forma aparte de utilizar la opción de "invitados" para crear un red wifi aislada de la LAN, es decir, quiero crear una red wifi que no vea mi LAN ni servidores solo con salida a internet pero que no sea la opción de Invitados. Gra...

sandrogex by New Contributor
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