Access Points - Indoor and Outdoor
RUCKUS Indoor, Outdoor, Bridge and Specialty Wi-Fi Access Points (APs)
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Forum Posts

zf7363 can't connect to ZD1000

I have a ZD1000 with licensed AP 12.Already a r300 and and a zf7363 connected.When i connect another zf7363 i have no connection for the 3th one.Also a 4th and 5th do not have connection.The 3th, 4th and 5th is comming from a working network.

AP's not broadcasting

Hello, I have a ZD3050 and configured r700 & h500 AP’s, some AP’s show disconnected on the controller but they pass traffic on the LAN ports but they don’t broadcast the configured SSID’s. I have tried resetting but no change kindly assist.

m510 standalone firmware

Using the M510 for the first time with standalone firmware I've found 3 issues:there is no status information on the LTE radio to show what signal strength its receiving or its connection status. The only indication is the CEL led. Is this being adde...


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