New Contributor III
since ‎12-25-2022

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Hello everyone, https://community.ruckuswireless.com/t5/SmartZone-and-Virtual-SmartZone/Slow-downlink-for-the-R650-registered-in-vSZ/m-p/98420#M5722In a different route than the previously mentioned topic, the issue of slow downloads on the R650 has ...
Hello everyone.We are always very grateful for your support.Regarding the issue we've encountered this time, I searched the forum and found another similar topic: https://community.ruckuswireless.com/t5/Access-Points-Indoor-and-Outdoor/Fixes-in-Janua...
Hello everyone.Thanks for all your help. This time, to add a new AP H350,I plan to update the firmware. Our current configuration is as follows vSZ-H controller ver R700 (ver (ver (ver We a...
Hello everyone.Thank you for all your help. I have been experiencing the following symptoms for several weeks. When I check the traffic information on the APs registered with vSZ-H, there are times when the values for traffic and number of connection...
Hello everyone. I would like to know if anyone knows anything about this.I am currently managing a zone with an R700 registered to vSZ-H.I recently updated the controller firmware as follows. -> that time, the R700 with AP f...
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