RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

Realistic 5Ghz speed of 'one-hop' mesh unleashed R310

Hi,  My ISP has a max download of 300 Mbit.  The R310 Unleashed (5Ghz) has a max throughput of 867 Mbit. I have one location where a wired connection seems unrealistic.  What will be the realistic max speed to be achieved on the R310 unleashed, wh...

Resolved! 3 unleashed R310, client stickiness

Hi, I have 3 R310 unleashed AP’s, connected by wire (no roaming). two are on the ground floor (attached to ceiling), one on the second floor, facing down. when I am on the first floor, my clients (iPhone) keep connecting to the R310 attached on the...

R320 Unleashed

Good morning,  I have  a No. 4 R320 in unleashed mode (fw:, I added an R310 (fw: but the controller says "Not Supported". The web page of R320 says "Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes", how can I...

Resolved! 1 of 3 R310’s is underperforming

Dear community, I have 3 R310’s in my home, two downstairs and one at the third floor. Unleashed setup, firmware, wired connected via 1000mbit, PoE af switch (netgear). Roaming works well on AP’s, but WiFi speed on AP’s downstairs ...

Resolved! Can’t access unleashed network manager interface from browser

I have a home network configured thru ruckus unleashed (AT&T fiber modem, switch, 3 WAPs), and was able to access the network management interface on my web browser by going to unleashed.ruckus.com or (as default gateway). this morning I...

diemilio by New Contributor II
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