Sorry for the duplication, I mixed something.Device: r730 for home use, solorkscli: get version
Ruckus R730 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP
rkscli: get channel wifi1
wifi1 Channel: 60 (5300 Mhz) (Manual Channel Select)
rkscli: ...
Working in a 11 Story 200 room Condo Hotel.Ruckus ZD3000 Version: build 23658 R700 AP'sAVAYA 4850GTS POE Switches x 2AT&T Fiber thru a Sonicwall E5500Speedtest on a local PC Plugged into a port on the 4850GTS 278 down 285 upSpeedtest same PC...
According to the Ruckus website, the Ruckus WIFI 6E/7 device claims to support DPSK3.Such as R560 and R770.
Hi,I use R320 as my AP and have upgraded my internet speed to 300mbps from 100mbps. But the wifi speed that I can get is less than 20mbps, almost the time. So, how can I adjust the settings to get the maximum speed for my Wi-Fi? By using LAN/direct ...