Guest Pass, we set guest pass token to never expire. Now we wish to change to 7 days and make All (including previous Guest Users) re-accept terms of use. How do we reset Guest Access Tokens? Reset All Thanks
Unable to connect a R710 to the internet connecting directly to a end user fibre modem.It states connected to the internet but the ip address dynamically obtained is a private address.
I am migrating some ZF7372 APs from ZD1100 to new vSZ-H.The first AP seems to work fine.The second one which is on a different zone, is connected to vSZ and seems fine, but it is not getting any of the WLANs although all configuration seems fine.On t...
I would like to prevent our Guest WLAN from being accessible in the evenings in certain areas on campus. I know I can do a service schedule for an entire WLAN, but I would like to keep it active in some areas 24/7 and limit it to daytime hours elsew...