Hello I have a T610s connected to my mesh unleashed network. I would like to use the secondary ethernet port of the Ap to plug a 802.3 af camera. AP is connected to a ICX 7150 switch and the port is configured as a class 4 port 802.3 at delivering 30...
I have a Ruckus AP model H320 (Mac: 7047.7726.67b0) connected directly to my Cisco Catalyst 2960 > Port Gi0/5But due to some reason Access Point is not detected in the switch================================================SW-R506#show mac address-ta...
Hi, i noticed at one of our locations at the DHCP Server are only some lease of my R610 AP´s. As i attached a new one the Controller Provided i.e. to the new AP but an Existing AP has this IP at the Smartzone and is online son during th...
Ruckus Access Point detected in switch but not detected in SmartZone controller.Ruckus AP model: H500AP Mac: 38ff36-1d2910AP Mac: 38ff36-207010 SmartZone 100 version: you ca...