Contributor III
since ‎05-14-2015

User Statistics

  • 225 Posts
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  • 45 Kudos given
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User Activity

Hi All, Have a 2 x SZ cluster where i would like them to work in more of an active/standby mode than an active/active scenario. Even if i reboot a controller to force all AP's over to the other, over time they will disperse over the cluster. Is there...
Is there a procedure to follow to remove switches from an existing stack?
Hi All, Can anyone tell me what would happen to my config if i upgraded a switch from router code to switch code? I have a switch stack at the moment running router code and id like to change to switch code. Im aware that some of the config isnt poss...
Hi All,We're implementing dot1x and MAC auth on 7150 stack (08.0.80) running router code (basic). We've configured dot1x and MAC auth to RADIUS just like we have successfully in our lab environment (7250 switch code) but it doesn't work. The RADIUS s...
Hi All, really want to upgrade to 5.0 but been waiting for an MR. Anyone know when one is due? Other than that, anyone come across any major issues?