Hi All,
We're implementing dot1x and MAC auth on 7150 stack (08.0.80) running router code (basic). We've configured dot1x and MAC auth to RADIUS just like we have successfully in our lab environment (7250 switch code) but it doesn't work. The RADIUS server never even gets a request but we have confirmed connectivity between the two. IP interface VE exists in the test VLAN and default route to the WAN. I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact we dont have a management VLAN specified, but as i understand it, when running router code, this is not an option? Quite new to ICX so still figuring things out. Any pointer appreciated.
Auth-mode multiple-untagged
auth-default-vlan XXX
restricted-vlan YYY
auth-fail-action restricted-vlan
auth-timeout-action failure
dot1x enable
dot1x enable ethe 3/1/1
dot1x port-control auto ethe 3/1/1
mac-authentication enable
mac-authentication enable ethe 3/1/1
mac-authentication password-format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
aaa authentication dot1x default radius
radius-server host
WWW.XXX.YYY.ZZZ auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 default key 2 $RSddJzVvYish dot1x mac-auth