RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

Resolved! PPPoE throughput

Hi all,I just bought an R650 for my home network and I noticed that I can run it as a gateway. I'm just wondering how fast the PPPoE throughput might be - could it keep up with my 1Gb fibre connection or would I be best off keeping my ISP router unti...

Squozen by Contributor III
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Licensing - UMM (Unleashed Multi-Site Manager)

Im ideally looking for a quick , even rough, answer on UMM LicensingLets Assume we have 2x locations with fully separate Unleashed setups,  each location has 3x Access points (thus 6x rukAPs in total).To get started (not free-trial) with UMM we would...

WIFI LANs drop with Internet?

Found this post about Ruckus Internet checks impacting the local WIFI networks.  Yet I don't fully understand what's up.https://community.ruckuswireless.com/t5/Unleashed/When-internet-goes-down-so-does-all-Ruckus-Unleashed-WAPs-How-do/m-p/30620/page/...

Unleashed setup and then move

If we create the Unleashed setup here at our office and then move all 4 AP's to a different location, will this work if the AP's are set to DHCP?  We would like to do the configuration and then the techs can just plug them in at the clients office.


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