RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
Lost internet feed and ATT came back up but Ruckus will not reconnect even after rebooting. I have checked with ATT and they say their system is all ok.
So i gave the dedicated master the old college try and am not impressed for smaller offices. If i want to nuke it, do i have to rebuild it all? Or do i just pull it from the environment and unleashed will go back to dedicated master-less? I am not f...
Hi,Deployed and support a biz / residential Unleashed install of 3x R710s in 3 separate buildings within close proximity. 25-35yards apart. Everything been good until the recent addition of some home chromecast devices. With my past config for 2y...
I am a Newbie to Ruckus/Unleashed system and UI. I was trying to disable the 5Ghz signal and keep only the 2.4Ghz enabled in order to setup a couple electronic devices. I went through the unleashed App and tried to turn off 5Ghz through the manage ne...
Hi guys, I am brand new to using Ruckus devices and I have an R650 that I need to change from Unleashed to network. Is there a firmware update that I need to install to make the switch? As I understand it, ‘Unleashed’ and ‘standalone’ are the same. U...