RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

Disconnecting WiFi from Clients

Hello,I am seeking for any help possible as I am out of ideas. Something happened in the last 2 days where phones, iPads are falling off the  WiFi and they do not reconnect back. I have 2 R510 Access Points and they are broadcasting WiFi. I have rest...

R510 Problems with Apple product

Hello,I have 22 AP in the building, devices are R510 unleashed,On windows laptops everything is working fine, but client who has a mac book, have a connectivity issues, for example: low speed or sometimes they are losting WIFI SSID.I am testing both ...

George75 by New Contributor
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Roaming Problem R510

Hello,We have 21 APs in building only one floor, Devices are R510 unleashed and software version is, One SSID, Time to time clients are complaining when they move in another place in the building they have connectivity issue about 5 o...

soulcage57 by New Contributor II
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Error trying to bind a network in the cloud account

Hello team!!We are managing 16 APs from Ruckus Unleashed, we had configured the management IP and we can access to Unleashed through this management IP.Now, as soon as I access to Unleashed, this shows me the following message:"Unleashed portal is no...


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