RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

PlayStation 4 and Unleashed

Hey guys,I have a customer who had an R710 that his kid's playstation 4 was connected to with no dramas. Last week I removed the R710 and replaced it with 2 x R600's with the unleashed firmware. I recreated the wireless profile with the same SSID and...

unleashed splash page.................

I recently deployed my first Unleashed system. I have had no problems with the installation so far, and it really was easy to explain to the owner, and made the solution a cost effective solution compared to competitors without a controller..Finally!...

Unleashed and Dynamic VLANs

Hello everyone!Does the Unleashed software support the Dynamic VLAN feature? If so, where can I enable it? The Product Guide says "yes", but I didn't find it in the interface.


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