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(v)SZ High Availability - how does it work?

New Contributor III


I've been trying to find out how (v)SZ High Availability works exactly, but I haven't really found a lot of insight...

As far as I understand, there is "Cluster redundancy", which is meant for large scale deployment where clusters of (v)SZ are deployed in different datacenters.

But how does intra-cluster high availability work? 

It seems like "Clustering" is more like "Sharding", i.e. you have a centralised interface, but state is not really replicated across the cluster members?

Also for rebalancing, the manual states that "Devices associated with an AP that uses the Ruckus-GRE tunnel may temporarily lose network connection for a short period of time (typically, around five minutes) during the AP rebalancing process." - Which isn't really high availability.


Any insight would be great!


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi @GreensTheorem 

I believe you are talking about the Cluster Redundancy. SmartZone protects against catastrophic failures
by providing intra-cluster, and inter-cluster failover with geo-redundancy and active/active clusters that yields higher availability than hot standby.

Check out the below document and let me know if it answers your query about the setup.

RUCKUS Team Member

Or if you are talking about 2 different nodes connected to the same Cluster but on different location, then let me know.

New Contributor

Hi @sanjay_kumar,

I'm in the same boat as @GreensTheorem. Seems like there's multiple levels of redundancy available with Ruckus SZ but all confusing. I'm looking to do an active-active redundancy between two virtual smartzone deployments on DIFFERENT locations. Is there real benefit with inter-cluster redundancy with only 1 node in each cluster? Is there a specific document for intra-cluster instead?

RUCKUS Team Member