10-03-2023 08:59 AM
I've been trying to find out how (v)SZ High Availability works exactly, but I haven't really found a lot of insight...
As far as I understand, there is "Cluster redundancy", which is meant for large scale deployment where clusters of (v)SZ are deployed in different datacenters.
But how does intra-cluster high availability work?
It seems like "Clustering" is more like "Sharding", i.e. you have a centralised interface, but state is not really replicated across the cluster members?
Also for rebalancing, the manual states that "Devices associated with an AP that uses the Ruckus-GRE tunnel may temporarily lose network connection for a short period of time (typically, around five minutes) during the AP rebalancing process." - Which isn't really high availability.
Any insight would be great!
11-03-2023 10:14 AM
I am not looking for cluster redundancy.
I am interested in single cluster and what happens if one cluster member fails.
11-03-2023 10:30 AM
Hi @GreensTheorem
In a Single Cluster with 2 nodes (example), both are managing the APs in Active-Active setup manner.
One will be the Leader role and other will be Follower. Both will have same config synced.
If one node fails, APs will fall back to the other node (Since it will have both controller address) as failover.
Is there any specific information which you are looking for in a Single cluster with multiple nodes?
Let me know so that I can provide information accordingly.
11-03-2023 10:43 AM
Thank you.
Will there be any noticeable interruption in services during failover, e.g. for RADIUS authentication or tunneled traffic?
If the failed node is brought, will the APs automatically be redistributed to both nodes or is it required to manually start the redistribution process?