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LAN Phy Rate from SmartZone REST API

New Contributor II


We have thousands of Ruckus APs and are looking to automate, as manual management is becoming too burdensome. We are looking to check AP LAN Phy negotiated rate and take action if it is not 1 gigabit.

From it appears it was possible to get Lan Phy rate in previous versions of SmartZone REST API. However in our version,, this data is not available.

Is there another REST endpoint Phy rate moved to? Am I overlooking something?

In current version, GET /aps/{macaddr} returns the following. ['portInfo']['phyLink'] is not present


{'mac': '5C:DF:89:...',
'zoneId': '94b5d791-dda0-4ad7-...',
'awsVenue': None,
'apGroupId': '4d0b34e4-20b6-...',
'serial': '412129...',
'model': 'H550',
'name': 'xyz',
'description': None,
'gpsSource': None,
'latitude': '',
'longitude': '',
'location': None,
'locationAdditionalInfo': None,
'provisionChecklist': '',
'administrativeState': 'Unlocked',
'login': None,
'syslog': None,
'wifi24': None,
'wifi50': None,
'wlanService24Enabled': True,
'wlanService50Enabled': True,
'wlanGroup24': None,
'wlanGroup50': None,
'protectionMode24': None,
'network': {'ipType': None,
'ip': None,
'netmask': None,
'gateway': None,
'primaryDns': None,
'secondaryDns': None},
'networkIpv6': {'ipType': 'Keep',
'ip': None,
'gateway': None,
'primaryDns': None,
'secondaryDns': None},
'smartMonitor': None,
'bonjourGateway': None,
'clientAdmissionControl24': {'maxRadioLoadPercent': None,
'minClientCount': None,
'minClientThroughputMbps': None,
'enabled': False},
'clientAdmissionControl50': {'maxRadioLoadPercent': None,
'minClientCount': None,
'minClientThroughputMbps': None,
'enabled': False},
'venueProfile': None,
'specific': {'ledStatusEnabled': True,
'lldp': {'enabled': True,
'advertiseIntervalInSec': 30,
'holdTimeInSec': 120,
'managementIPTLVEnabled': True},
'lacp': None,
'cellularSettings': None,
'ledMode': None,
'internalHeaterEnabled': None,
'poeOutPortEnabled': False,
'usbPowerEnable': True,
'poeModeSetting': 'Auto',
'poeTxChain': 2,
'radioBand': None,
'externalAntenna24': None,
'externalAntenna50': None,
'lanPorts': [{'portName': 'LAN1',
'enabled': True,
'overwriteVlanEnabled': True,
'vlanUntagId': 1176,
'members': '1176',
'ethPortProfile': {'id': '1', 'name': 'Default Access Port'}},
{'portName': 'LAN2',
'enabled': True,
'overwriteVlanEnabled': True,
'vlanUntagId': 1176,
'members': '1176',
'ethPortProfile': {'id': '1', 'name': 'Default Access Port'}},
{'portName': 'LAN3',
'enabled': True,
'overwriteVlanEnabled': True,
'vlanUntagId': 1176,
'members': '1176',
'ethPortProfile': {'id': '1', 'name': 'Default Access Port'}},
{'portName': 'LAN4',
'enabled': True,
'overwriteVlanEnabled': True,
'vlanUntagId': 1176,
'members': '1176',
'ethPortProfile': {'id': '1', 'name': 'Default Access Port'}},
{'portName': 'LAN5',
'enabled': True,
'overwriteVlanEnabled': False,
'vlanUntagId': 1,
'members': '1-4094',
'ethPortProfile': {'id': '0', 'name': 'Default Trunk Port(WAN)'}}]},
'channelEvaluationInterval': None,
'autoChannelSelection24': {'channelSelectMode': 'BackgroundScanning',
'channelFlyMtbc': 480,
'channelFlyChangeFrequency': 33,
'channelFlyOptimizationTimePeriod': ['02:00-03:00']},
'autoChannelSelection50': {'channelSelectMode': 'BackgroundScanning',
'channelFlyMtbc': 480,
'channelFlyChangeFrequency': 33,
'channelFlyOptimizationTimePeriod': ['02:00-03:00']},
'apMgmtVlan': None,
'altitude': {'altitudeUnit': None, 'altitudeValue': None},
'meshOptions': None,
'recoverySsid': None,
'rogueApReportThreshold': 0,
'rogueApAggressivenessMode': 0,
'rogueApJammingThreshold': 50,
'directedMulticastFromWiredClientEnabled': None,
'directedMulticastFromWirelessClientEnabled': None,
'directedMulticastFromNetworkEnabled': None,
'testSpeedEnabled': False,
'lteBandLockChannels': [],
'rksGreForwardBroadcast': None,
'swapInMac': None,
'swapOutMac': None,
'snmpAgent': {'apSnmpEnabled': False,
'snmpV2Agent': None,
'snmpV3Agent': None}}





RUCKUS Team Member

Hello, you can use the API QUERY APS: POST /v11_1/query/ap


It will return the port speed in "poePortStatus"

Using postman:



Bruno Andrade | Principal TSE Bulldog Americas | RCNA | CWNA | CWDP
Follow me on LinkedIn

View solution in original post


RUCKUS Team Member

Hello, you can use the API QUERY APS: POST /v11_1/query/ap


It will return the port speed in "poePortStatus"

Using postman:



Bruno Andrade | Principal TSE Bulldog Americas | RCNA | CWNA | CWDP
Follow me on LinkedIn

Hello bruno_andrade,

Great. I didn't know the query API returned different data.

It would be nice to see other interface negotiated ethernet rate, but this will work. Fantastic!

Thank you very much!

EDIT: Disregard, I found that my API interface was not using v11_0, but v9_1, which is not compatible.

For some reason this poePortStatus field does not get returned for me. All/most other fields are returned, no filtering present. Does this require specific hardware or other conditions?

"deviceName": "xxxxxx-xxx-xxx",
"description": "N/A",
"status": "Online",
"alerts": 0,
"ip": "x.x.x.x",
"ipv6Address": "",
"txRx": 0,
"noise24G": -94,
"noise5G": -90,
"airtime24G": 33,
"airtime5G": 1,
"latency24G": 0,
"latency50G": 0,
"capacity": 9,
"capacity24G": 0,
"capacity50G": 9,
"connectionFailure": 0.0,
"model": "R650",
"apMac": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
"channel24G": "11 (20MHz)",
"channel5G": "112 (80MHz)",
"channel24gValue": 11,
"channel50gValue": 112,
"meshRole": "DISABLED",
"meshMode": "Auto",
"zoneName": "xxxxxxxx",
"zoneAffinityProfileName": "Default DP Group",
"apGroupName": "default",
"extIp": "x.x.x.x",
"extPort": "5474",
"firmwareVersion": "",
"serial": "xxxxxx",
"retry24G": 923,
"retry5G": 747499,
"configurationStatus": "Up-to-date",
"lastSeen": 1693927306000,
"numClients": 0,
"numClients24G": 0,
"numClients5G": 0,
"tx": 0,
"tx24G": 0,
"tx50G": 0,
"rx": 0,
"rx24G": 0,
"rx50G": 0,
"txRx24G": 0,
"txRx50G": 0,
"location": "",
"wlanGroup24Id": "0911b591-54b6-11ed-9f55-baf458fd3c40",
"wlanGroup50Id": "091f4a20-54b6-11ed-9f55-baf458fd3c40",
"wlanGroup24Name": "2.4GHz",
"wlanGroup50Name": "5GHz",
"enabledBonjourGateway": false,
"controlBladeName": "xxxxxx",
"lbsStatus": "Disable",
"administrativeState": "Unlocked",
"registrationState": "Approved",
"provisionMethod": "Preprovision",
"provisionStage": "Pre-Provision AP Joined",
"registrationTime": 1667255881201,
"managementVlan": 1,
"configOverride": false,
"indoorMapId": null,
"apGroupId": "c536d87b-e721-487f-a97d-da884343be12",
"indoorMapXy": null,
"indoorMapName": null,
"indoorMapLocation": null,
"deviceGps": "",
"connectionStatus": "Connect",
"zoneId": "b951382d-d1b7-467f-ade4-16ea34af455a",
"zoneFirmwareVersion": "",
"domainId": "d2dd041e-9093-46f5-86d9-aa4ec6da75d7",
"domainName": "xxxxxx",
"dpIp": "",
"controlBladeId": "c7a8f9ca-81fd-4649-b009-1e80ba420160",
"isCriticalAp": false,
"crashDump": 0,
"cableModemSupported": false,
"cableModemResetSupported": false,
"swapInMac": null,
"swapOutMac": null,
"isOverallHealthStatusFlagged": false,
"isLatency24GFlagged": false,
"isLatency50GFlagged": false,
"isCapacity24GFlagged": false,
"isCapacity50GFlagged": false,
"isConnectionFailure24GFlagged": false,
"isConnectionFailure50GFlagged": false,
"isConnectionTotalCountFlagged": false,
"isConnectionFailureFlagged": false,
"isAirtimeUtilization24GFlagged": false,
"isAirtimeUtilization50GFlagged": false,
"uptime": 2393154,
"eirp24G": 18,
"eirp50G": 22,
"supportFips": null,
"ipsecSessionTime": 0,
"ipsecTxPkts": 0,
"ipsecRxPkts": 0,
"ipsecTxBytes": 0,
"ipsecRxBytes": 0,
"ipsecTxDropPkts": 0,
"ipsecRxDropPkts": 0,
"ipsecTxIdleTime": 0,
"ipsecRxIdleTime": 0,
"ipType": "IPV4",
"ipv6Type": "Autoconfig",
"packetCaptureState": "Idle",
"cellularWanInterface": null,
"cellularConnectionStatus": null,
"cellularSignalStrength": null,
"cellularIMSISIM0": null,
"cellularIMSISIM1": null,
"cellularICCIDSIM0": null,
"cellularICCIDSIM1": null,
"cellularIsSIM0Present": null,
"cellularIsSIM1Present": null,
"cellularTxBytesSIM0": null,
"cellularTxBytesSIM1": null,
"cellularRxBytesSIM0": null,
"cellularRxBytesSIM1": null,
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"cellularIPaddress": null,
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"cellularDefaultGateway": null,
"cellularOperator": null,
"cellular3G4GChannel": null,
"cellularCountry": null,
"cellularRadioUptime": null,
"cellularGpsHistory": null,
"fipsEnabled": null,
"medianTxRadioMCSRate24G": 0,
"medianTxRadioMCSRate50G": 0,
"medianRxRadioMCSRate24G": 0,
"medianRxRadioMCSRate50G": 0,
"monitoringEnabled": false,
"txPowerOffset24G": 0,
"txPowerOffset5G": 0,
"rxDesense24G": 0,
"rxDesense5G": 0,
"cumulativeTx24G": 145273,
"cumulativeTx5G": 191368703,
"cumulativeRx24G": 96179,
"cumulativeRx5G": 32936640,
"cumulativeTxRx24G": 241452,
"cumulativeTxRx5G": 224305343
"extra": null