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Help creating DHCP profile on Data Plane

New Contributor II

Why is there no documentation on how to create a DHCP profile on the data plane?????

I finally figured out that after I get the DHCP license activated, I need to assigned it to the data plane (completely on my own, because again, can't find any documentation explaining the process), but I still don't have an option to add a DHCP profile for the DP.  I only see a blank list, and no way to add or configure anything.  

Is there anyone who can help???  I've been trying to get this stuff working for months.....


01273729 is my current tac case.  It's about my fifth or sixth tac case I've opened since inheriting this system and trying to get it working correctly.  It's been an endless struggle with TAC for about 3 months now.

Hi Derek,

I will suggest you to upgrade the system to stable release 5.2.2

Latest stable maintenance release has been released yesterday and version is

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

I would tell you the same thing I have told the last few TAC engineers who suggested that....  Show me a release notes for 5.2.2 which does NOT state that the process for upgrading to 5.2.2 is to first upgrade to 5.1, then to do a "Complete factory reset of the controller" then to proceed to upgrade to 5.2.2.

I have asked every engineer who said to upgrade to 5.2.2, if that means we have to wipe the config then upgrade, then completely re-enter the config, or if we can do a restore from backup and have NEVER received a straight answer, or really an answer of any kind.

The release notes clearly say when upgrading from 3.6 or prior, that you must to a completely factory reset of the controller before upgrading to 5.2.2, but like so much of Ruckus's documentation, it doesn't give much (any) details.

We have been told that upgrading to 3.6 "would fix all our problems".  Then we were told that upgrading to 5.1.2 "would fix all our problems". Then TAC engineers started tell us we had to "upgrade to 5.2.2 to "fix all our problems". At this point I don't believe any upgrade will fix any of our problems.  None the problems we have run into up this point have ever been fixed by any of the recommened upgrades.  The fixes, all ended up being a config issue which was not found until AFTER we upgraded.  At one point we ended up completely rebuilding/reinstalling the data plane VM from the .OVA file, because that "was the problem", and it ended up that it was a config issue.

No, I don't think 5.2.2 will actually fix anything, and I'm certainly not going to nuke our entire config and try to manually re-enter it in the hopes that upgrading to 5.2.2 will magically fix something.  

Hi Derek,

Factory reset is not required at all if you are upgrading the controller.

  • All you need to check is, APs are supported on target release.
  • Whether you can directly upgrade or have to follow upgrade path (sequential upgrade).
  • Make sure you have enough hardware resources allocated to VM, if it is a vSZ.
  • Always create a cluster backup before the upgrade or choose "Backup and upgrade" option while you upgrade the controller.

That is all you have to check.

Only exception is, if your controller is configured with FIPS code, then a direct upgrade may not be possible. But looking at the case I don't think your controller is on FIPS code.

Please follow below and let me know your queries.

  • Refer the upgrade guide (page #11) and check if  you can directly upgrade to 5.2.2 or not. 

  • Refer the release notes for AP compatibility and what is fixed and added to this new release. 

  • Upgrade file link 

  • Application signature package. 

  • vDP upgrade image. 

Now review these documents, let me know what queries you have. If required, I can call you over the support ticket and discuss.

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

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