RUCKUS Support for Lennar Homes
RUCKUS Support for Lennar SmartHome customers.
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Forum Posts

Ruckus keeps dropping connection

Hello, recently moved into a Lennar new construction home and ruckus unleashed along with two APs R510 are included with the home.  Amazon Services helped setup connection and everything seemed to be working initially. However, within a day, I stoppe...

yen_ly by New Contributor
  • 7 replies
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Lennar/AT&T configuration

My WiFi was great for the first year after having our Lennar built.  Last February it all took a dump.  i have 1Gb up and down.  I have at least 30 Alexa enabled and smart devices requiring the use of my 2.4 band.  I try to keep everything other than...

Connect H510 to R320 WLAN

My new home came with four of these Ruckus R320 wireless access points to provide coverage throughout the home.  Unfortunately, Lennar being Lennar, that’s all they provided, so there are no wired connections anywhere in the house and it’s difficult ...


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