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Trying to Address SPR issue via web interface - existing instructions do not align

New Contributor

I believe I have encountered SPR issue (for the second time) due to recent power outage. I am attempting to follow instructions listed here, however, when inputting my IP address into my web browser my interface does not match that of the instructions so I am at a standstill as I'm unable to find the proper screens to make a change and correct the routing issue. See below what I receive upon inputting my IP address - closely resembles the Ruckus mobile app.




The Switches tab does not show any IP address information. Is there anywhere else I can reference? The Admin section shows IP addresses but again, they all match what I've been using. I'll try to reboot the switch itself in the meantime.

I've reset the switch and found the correct IP address. I've tried all credential combinations to login and none work. Can you share best steps?

I've reset the switch and found the correct IP address. I've tried all credential combinations to login and none work. Can you share best steps?

Hello @adambach89 

Please remember that the default passwords are case-sensitive. Alternatively, you can try using the same credentials that you use for logging into the Unleashed app or web browser.

super / sp-admin

admin / Lennar

admin / lennar

admin / Ruckus!

admin / Ruckus1

admin / admin

If it doesn't work, I would recommend trying to access via Telnet with one of the applications listed in the following guide.

How to remotely access to 'ICX 7150-12P' or 'access points' "Network devices"

Fernando Vasquez

I'm attempting to follow instructions here, however see below as I"m getting invalid inputs? I'm on MacOS.
