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Slow internet speeds

New Contributor

I am having an issue with my switch and endpoints.  I am not 100% sure what the issue is, but I know that my internet connection is very slow over the endpoints (WIFI).  I have a hard line that is working as it should.  I am not able to access my Unleashed account or the IP address via a browser.  

I have spent several hours combing through the forum and I haven't found the right thing for me.  I called Ruckus and the nice person told me I had to post here and some would respond to me.



I have tried to reply a few times, but I think it marks my response as spam.  I did what you asked of me.  What data from those responses are you looking for?  Can you see this image?

Ruckus Switch CLI responses.png


View solution in original post

I am not sure I did this right.  I don't think this is an accepted solution, but it would let me save it without hitting that button.  Please let me know the next steps for the open issue.

View solution in original post



Hi @James98 ,


Thank you for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

I hope you are doing well!!!

Thank you for the information you shared.

From the case description, I understand that you are facing slow speed issues.

Before we can help, we need to check fe configurations on the Switch.

Please follow the below steps and help us with the queries,

To check this, we must identify the ‘current’ IP address assigned by your local router to the switch ICX-7150-C12P

I will leave you a guide on how to perform an IP scanner on your local network to identify the switch IP address very easily.

How to find the IP Address of the RUCKUS Devices (Switch and APs) using IP Scanner free applications:

2. Once we identify the IP address of the switch proceed to access remotely to the device “Command Line”

If you can access the Command line should look like this:

ICX7150-C12 Router> OR

ICX7150-C12 Switch>

Please enter the below commands once you log in to CLI and share the output.

Note: Hit Enter to accept each command


show version

show flash

Please share the output of the above commands or share the screenshots if stuck at any step or error (if any) and let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

This is the output of the Putty Tool and Command Line Interface.  Please let me know next steps.  

telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router>enable
No password has been assigned yet...
telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#show version
Copyright (c) 2017 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved.
UNIT 1: compiled on Nov 20 2018 at 00:20:22 labeled as SPR08080d
(29819448 bytes) from Secondary SPR08080d.bin
SW: Version 08.0.80dT213
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225 (mnz10114 )
Compiled on Thu Nov 15 12:59:22 2018

HW: Stackable ICX7150-C12-POE
UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7150-C12-2X1G POE 12-port Management Module
Serial #:FEK3801R0RJ
Software Package: ICX7150_BASE_L3_SOFT_PACKAGE
Current License: 2X1G
P-ASIC 0: type B160, rev 11 Chip BCM56160_B0
UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7150-2X1GC 2-port 2G Module
UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX7150-2X10GF 2-port 20G Module
1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus
8192 KB boot flash memory
2048 MB code flash memory
1024 MB DRAM
STACKID 1 system uptime is 3 day(s) 4 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 50 second(s)
The system started at 00:06:08 GMT+00 Sat Jan 01 2000

The system : started=cold start

telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#
telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#Show flash
Stack unit 1:
NAND Type: Micron NAND 2GiB (x 1)
Compressed Pri Code size = 25968884, Version:08.0.80dT211 (SPS08080d.bin)
Compressed Sec Code size = 29819448, Version:08.0.80dT213 (SPR08080d.bin)
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225
Code Flash Free Space = 1260429312

Here are the results from the commands you shared with me.  Please let me know the next steps.

telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router>enable
No password has been assigned yet...


telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#show version
Copyright (c) 2017 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved.
UNIT 1: compiled on Nov 20 2018 at 00:20:22 labeled as SPR08080d
(29819448 bytes) from Secondary SPR08080d.bin
SW: Version 08.0.80dT213
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225 (mnz10114)
Compiled on Thu Nov 15 12:59:22 2018

HW: Stackable ICX7150-C12-POE
UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7150-C12-2X1G POE 12-port Management Module
Serial #:FEK3801R0RJ
Software Package: ICX7150_BASE_L3_SOFT_PACKAGE
Current License: 2X1G
P-ASIC 0: type B160, rev 11 Chip BCM56160_B0
UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7150-2X1GC 2-port 2G Module
UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX7150-2X10GF 2-port 20G Module
1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus
8192 KB boot flash memory
2048 MB code flash memory
1024 MB DRAM
STACKID 1 system uptime is 3 day(s) 7 hour(s) 34 minute(s) 18 second(s)
The system started at 00:06:10 GMT+00 Sat Jan 01 2000

The system : started=cold start

telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#



telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#show flash
Stack unit 1:
NAND Type: Micron NAND 2GiB (x 1)
Compressed Pri Code size = 25968884, Version:08.0.80dT211 (SPS08080d.bin)
Compressed Sec Code size = 29819448, Version:08.0.80dT213 (SPR08080d.bin)
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225
Code Flash Free Space = 1260425216
telnet@ICX7150-C12 Router#


I have tried to reply a few times, but I think it marks my response as spam.  I did what you asked of me.  What data from those responses are you looking for?  Can you see this image?

Ruckus Switch CLI responses.png