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Remove the returned ICX 7150-C12P switch


I had a switch RMA to me to replace one that was defective. In the unleashed app it shows 2 switches, one connected (the one RMA) and the other (returned) disconnected. How do I remove the one that is no longer connected. I've looked all over in the app, but it won't or doesn't have that I find how to delete the ICX 7150-C12P switch?



Hello @dsmith160 ,


Thank you for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

I hope you are doing well!!!

Thank you for the information you shared.

As per the case description, I understand that you are looking to remove the old Switch from the Unleashed app.

Could you please log in to your Unleashed system on a LAPTOP WEB BROWSER using the Master AP IP Address OR ? 

If link doesn't work, identify the current IP address assigned to the switch ICX-7150-C12P by your local router. You can use an IP scanner tool to easily locate the switch's IP address on your network. Here is a guide on how to perform this using IP Scanner free applications:

You should see the below-Unleashed dashboard after finding the IP Address of the AP. Try to log in

Once you login to the unleashed browser, please navigate to the Switches section

Please select the switch that you wish to remove from the list. You will see an option labeled "Remove".

Upon clicking Remove, a prompt will appear asking you to confirm the removal of the switch. 

Once you confirm, the switch will be successfully removed from the list.

You can refresh the page to verify that the switch has been removed.

Please let us know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

Thank you that worked! 

I also noticed that I also have WLAN Standard on. The WLAN name is "Ruckus-Wireless 1 to login and the password is different from my Unleashed "Admin login. I noticed that the WLAN radio button for "I will manually change password on Legacy devices.

The Legacy password is Highly recommended and "Push new password to all Legacy devices. Should I select the recommended and if I do what will happen. Will my admin password change to the WLAN password as well. Do you recommend I change and follow what's recommended?

Lastly what would happen if I turned on "Dedicated Master" and is that your recommendation to do so?

Hello @dsmith160 ,

Thank you for the response

Glad to hear that the solution worked for you!

Regarding the WLAN Standard settings, it’s important to clarify that the Legacy password is separate from the admin password. Selecting the "Highly recommended" option will push the new password to all Legacy devices, but it won’t change your admin login password.

Selecting 'Push new password to all Legacy devices' will update the legacy devices with the old password (if you choose to do so). However, we recommend creating a new WLAN and reconnecting the devices to the new network.

Please follow the below RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge base self-help article which will help you to create new Wi-Fi network.

Enabling the "Dedicated Master" option lets you choose one access point as the main controller for the network, improving stability and performance when there are multiple APs. For Lennar users, a Master AP is already set up and working. This option is usually recommended for larger networks or specific performance needs but may not be needed for smaller ones.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

Ok let me try, and I'll let you know ASAP Pinky.