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POE ports not working after reboot

New Contributor

I recently moved into a Lennar home with an ICX 7150-C12-Switch and two R320 APs in ports 1 & 2. After testing power to the home, none of the APs appear to get power from POE. I've been able to log in, get the WebUI up and running.

I've run POE detail and debug logs, output next post (exceeds 20k limit). Any ideas on how to get power to the APs?



SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show inline power detail

Power Supply Data On unit 1:


Power Supply Data:

Power Supply #1:
Max Curr: 2.3 Amps
Voltage: 54.0 Volts
Capacity: 124 Watts
PoePower: 124 Watts

POE Details Info. On Unit 1 :

General PoE Data:

02.1.1 Build 002



Cumulative Port State Data:

#Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports
Admin-On Admin-Off Oper-On Oper-Off Off-Denied Off-No-PD Off-Fault
12 0 0 12 0 12 0


Cumulative Port Power Data:

#Ports #Ports #Ports Power Power
Pri: 1 Pri: 2 Pri: 3 Consumption Allocation
0 0 12 0.000 W 0.000 W

Hi @ericjdunphy 



Thanks for the details provided.


Please check whether the devices are connected properly using the below link.


Most common Setups for Lennar homes users



Also please let us know the LED status of the switch using the below guide.





Best regards,


Lennar Home Community

The first link does not work, invalid URL.

What lights specifically are you looking for? Web UI shows this: Ports 1 & 2 are connected to the APs and are not lit. Ethernet from router is in uplink C1



Hi @ericjdunphy 


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Please follow the below link to check whether the devices are connected properly.


Most common Setups for Lennar homes users



Also on your switch while it's plugged into the outlet, do you see any lights on? (Amber or green) Please let us know which lights are on? 





Best regards,


Lennar Home Community

I confirmed, ports 1 and 2 are R320 POE APs. Port 12 is eth to router.

According to install guide "RUCKUS LED Lights" from previous post they are as follows:

  1. Port status mode selection button
  2. Port link status mode LED (green when selected)
  3. Port speed status mode LED (green when selected)
  4. Member ID status mode LED (green when selected)
  5. USB status mode LED (amber when selected)
  6. PoE status mode LED (green when selected)
  7. System Status LED (green)
  8. Master/Slave status LED (unlit)
  9. Software update status LED (unlit)
  10. RJ-45 port 5 RX/TX activity LED (if blinking indicates RX/TX activity) (unlit)
  11. PoE LED (unlit)
  12. RJ-45 uplink port C1 status LED (unlit)
  13. RJ-45 uplink port C1 RX/TX activity LED (unlit)
  14. SFP+ uplink port X1 status LED (if blinking indicates RX/TX activity) (green, not blinking)
  15. SFP+ uplink port X2 status LED (if blinking indicates RX/TX activity) (green, not blinking)
  16. Power status LED (green)
  17. Cloud/On-premise-SmartZone management status LED (unlit)
  18. Diagnostics status LED (unlit)

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