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ICX 7150-C12p not powering r510s

New Contributor

The PoE has failed for my ICX switch box. I've tried restarting the box, powering it down, replacing the r510s, and etc. However, the same problem persists. I have the yellow system light on, and I can't connect to my access points.


Hi @brandon_yawn 


Thank you for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Hope you are doing well

As this case is raised by @BusyReading 

To avoid confusion with posts, you can create your own post with the problem you're facing with the same detailed description of the network issue you have posted here and what you've done so that we can guide you properly.

Thank you again for understanding.

Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Also it is the Syst LED that is showing up as yellow. I don't know how to get console access to it since its been a while since it was set up.

If you have a mac or usb-c you can get this console cable off amazon for $11 from there you can plug into console port. If you don't have usb-c here is the link to the other cable below. The system LED showing up as yellow could mean a couple of things, I know in another post with the same issue they recommended doing a factory reset to the switch and looks like the moderator already posted the youtube video on doing a Factory Reset.

USB-C Cable

USB Console Cable

I also live in a Lennar home and moved everything to a rack and added another switch to make a switch stack if you are running out of ports. I still have the enclosure and using that for hubs and secondary internet connection. Let me know if the factory reset works or if you need more help with building your switch config.Rack-Firewall220.jpg

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi BusyReading 

Could you please let us know if you are from Lennar Homes ? 
