RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
Hello, I have 56 Aps in unleash and need to convert to smartzone.I have software upgrade one with version, it connects to SCG, but takes too long to upgrade to knows where can I make download of for R3...
I understand that R560 dont support Unleashed , I am trying to figure out what Cloud service, I need to set up a mesh network ... I have 5 AP's at one facility I am looking to set up one wireless network .mesh, so there are no drops and resig-in's a...
Hi,I am having 20 AP (R650) connected in unleashed network by making one deivce as a master. All devices are currently running with firmware. Kindly advice it will be fine to upgrade devices if so which firmware will work.
Hi,I have a remote client...They have an old Unleashed consisting several R310 devices. They have just bought several R350 and I have been tasked to set up a new Unleashed for these.To avoid any network downtime, I would like to prep the new Unleashe...