RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
Hi All -New to the Ruckus brand entirely and am curious what functionality (if any) will be lost using a controller less platform such as the R600 unleashed. Mainly I am concerned about roaming functionality over multiple APs and if that functionali...
Hi, I converted three R500 APs to unleashed. Recently the root AP is down but the other two APs are still able to connect other users. However the secondary AP I am not able to access the AP via GUI. As it kept prompting wrong password why is this ...
I installed 3 unleashed R500 AP's in my home.De first AP is configured as Master and has a static IP address. This AP works great. when I connect the second AP it doesn't join my unleashed network but comes up with the standard instalation WiFi netwo...
New updates to the Ruckus Unleashed family now include the R310 model 2x2:2 802.11ac indoor AP,SNNP MIBs for network management, and an SNMP Reference guide, all now available under theRuckus Unleashed product pages.