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SZ upgrade patch file removed by system?!?

Contributor II
Hi All,

So, friday I upload patch 3.6.0 to two SmartZone clusters. It's validated, and listed as ready to be applied on the cluster.
We leave for the weekend.
Today, monday, we come back and have a scheduled service window with the customer, and the patches are gone!
Why the frack does the cluster remove a wooping 980MB patch, that is uploaded and ready?

I've seen it once before, but this time it's two clusters at the same time.
This is a scary situation - what else does the cluster just delete when it feels like it?
Why does it delete things the admin has added, and needs?

Cluster version: 3.5.1
SZ 100's

Hi Jakob,

i will give this a try too. Just uploaded the IMG File in our Cluster, and now i am going to wait 2 - 3 days and lets see what happens.

Keep you posted!



Ok, thanks.It's the time I see this, this time on two clusters at the same time.And the both have 200+GB available storage.There is no reason to remove that patch file, and there is no indication that it will be after XX hours/days..

Reoploaded yesterday, still there after ~22 hours..

Contributor II
One SZ removed the patch file within 24 hours - again 😞