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Guest access portal asking for guest pass every time

New Contributor III
We have implemented Guest Access at a client end,Client's IT team generates the Guest pass and assigns it to their guests.The guests here are long time guests sometimes using it for 1-12 months.The problem we are facing now is the portal asking for guest pass everytime after connecting to the guest network.
Note:The limitation for session duration is 28 days which we have selected but the issue occurs even within the day when the guest leaves the guest network and reconnects.Below is the screenshot of guest pass generation parameters we are selecting everytime.Image_ images_messages_5f91c3ed135b77e2478ea936_9dbfd6f87e5fd7c24999170663a6e0a2_RackMultipart2018040569867sq5r-4431d380-ed5d-40a4-954c-e85068712052-1273795980.PNG1522926875