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Updating our Ruckus system in a Lennar home

New Contributor

We've been having inconsistent or slow Wi-Fi in certain rooms (they're at the corners of the house, so not surprising). After troubleshooting, I've decided that adding a Ruckus access point may be a reasonable solution. But in trying that, I've encountered some hurdles and am hoping someone in the community or Ruckus could offer advice.

  1. Lennar didn't leave us with Ruckus login info when we bought the new home, so I don't know how to get into the system to check or modify things. What app/website should I use to get in?
  2. Our house has a 7150 switch in the electric box, and what seem to be two R510 access points. I bought an R650 today and connected it to a port in a room that is connected to the 7150, but the R650 doesn't light up. Even if I connect the R650 to one of the ports on the 7150 that was used to go into an R510, it gets powered on but doesn't provide Wi-Fi.




Hi @kaz 

In order to work the Firmware version should be the same as the other Access Points 

It refers to as default but if your access point turns on and the PWR light is solid green it means that it was able to obtain an IP from your Local ( COX ) router which we must find out what it is.

 I will leave you a short guide how to identify or locate the IP address of your devices. 

How to find my Ruckus “Devices IP address” using free applications

 Ruckus unleashed upgrade

If the devices is running zone flex here is a short guide how to preform the upgrade  to unleashed 

How to convert A Ruckus AP to Unleashed firmware

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

Hi Fernando,

Thanks to you, I was able to make some progress! I was able to log into the system and update the firmware for the two R510 units and the new R650, all to the same version that is unleashed (

But to do that, I found that I can only power or work with an access point when it's connected via one of the original ports that the R510 units were in. If I connect an R510 or R650 into one of the other open ports of the 12, nothing happens. Do these ports need to be enabled?

The Ruckus console tells me that even though the R650 is working, it's capability is degraded due to there not being enough power. Is this expected, even though I'm using the 2.5G PoE port to the 7150? If I buy the power adapter, can I expect throughput to get better? Currently, the R650 doesn't seem to be using the 2.4G band, which is what I really need to get through certain walls.

Hi @kaz 

For the PoE on the switch we should access to the switch and check if the PoE is disable on other ports.

By default the power setup for the R650 is af for that reason is degreed you can move it to AT in the following to have full capabilities  guide :


As I mentioned, the speed also depends on the cable capabilities, how the port is configured, the speed, etc.

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez

Hi Fernando. I was able to change the R650 to AT, and it uses 2.4 GHz now. Thanks!

But for enabling the other ports in the group of 12 on the 7150, I'm not sure how. When I look at Switches in the Unleashed dashboard, nothing is there (total: 0).

When I try adding an IP address of one of the devices that comes up as a Ruckus wireless router on IP Scanner, it says "ICX Switch is Connecting" but also "*Unleashed system only supports ICX firmware version 08.0.90 or later."

New Contributor

And then: "Failed to ping ICX Suggest checking the network."