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Switch disconnected, now has no config

New Contributor

Hello - we had a power outage and the ICX switch is in disconnected mode in Unldeashed.

I followed these instructions:

Now when switch boots, it does boot into switch mode. However, there is no config data and I get this error:

ICX7150-C12-Switch#show config

INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup

INFO: empty config data in the backup area also

ICX7150-C12-Switch#TFTP session timed out

Please help?

The switch still shows as disconnected in Unleashed.


Please see my original message at the top: I already performed this procedure and got the switch back into switch mode. When it came back up in switch mode, it gave me the error - again in my original post - about no config being present and no backup of the config.

So I just need to know - what do I need to config on the switch to get it recognized by Unleashed? It is clearly functioning as a dumb layer 2 switch right now, but it has no IP address and no other config.


Hi @rjweeks70 


Please try to remove and add the switch from the unleashed dashboard to make the switch sync with the unleashed app. For this process please follow the below steps.


On the Unleashed dashboard


1- Remove the existing Switch from the Unleashed (Please refer to the below picture):




2-Hit Add on that dashboard 




3-Put the IP address of the ICX switch (ICX-7150-C12P) and Password– If you don’t know the IP Address of the Switch. Please perform the below command from the Switch CLI to get the same.


Device#show ip address




4-Username and password for Switch authentication are the same as what you use to log in for Switch on Web or CLI (Putty).


To sync the data, it will take us a while, so after a couple of minutes, it should say connected.


Make sure the management approval is enabled



Please let us know if you have any queries in this regard.


Best regards,


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