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Ruckus router issue after power outage

New Contributor

Hi Hi, I’m experiencing heavy intermittent Internet network issues caused by the Ruckus router. We have an AT&T Internet provider and I have checked the gateway from AT&T, having no issues on the AT&T side. require immediate assistance as we’ve been without Internet since the power outage.


New Contributor

TY - I downloaded Putty...option below...



but after download and i opened Putty from my laptop, I followed SSH-Port 22 option and after that getting the below error 



New Contributor

I have the same result if I try the Telnet-Port23

Hello @Amulyabhat ,

Thank you for the response.

I understand that you have accessed the IP address of the Switch and unable to login to the CLI.

Once we identify the IP address of the Switch proceed to access the RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch using a Web Browser.


Please click on Login option and try to access the Switch GUI using the login credentials.

Switch default credentials will be as mentioned below.

Username: super

Password: sp-admin

If the above credentials don’t work, you can try the default credential combinations below as well.


These usernames and passwords are key sensitive, please use capital letters where necessary.

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding. 


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

New Contributor

When I try that I get the below error...





Hello @Amulyabhat ,

Thank you for the response.

I understand that you are unable to access GUI of the Switch using web browser.

We would request you to access CLI through console cable.

Please follow the below RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge base self-help article which will help you to console in the ICX-7150-12CP 'Ruckus Switch
Once you have access to CLI using the console cable, please use the below RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge base self-help article which will help you to fix the issue when the Switch is running in the Routing code.

Please follow the process as explained in the article and let me know if you have any queries in this regard. 

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.