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R320 no internet connection

New Contributor

I had recent power outage and since then the WAP both upstairs and downstairs are failing to connect to WIFI. I tired manage my network through the unleashed app but no devices are added. 


Hi @Itrujillo 


Thanks for your response.


To solve this issue please try to perform the physical factory reset of the Access Points by following the below steps.


IMPORTANT NOTE: As you have two Access Points (APs)  in your house, please make sure you only keep one of the AP ON and reset the same. Please go to the Ruckus Switch (located in the panel) and disconnect from its ports the Ethernet cables of one of the Access Point and leave the other one in the connected state.


Physical Factory Reset of RUCKUS Access Point:


Ruckus Unleashed Set-up using your Mobile:


Ruckus Unleashed Set-up using Web:



Please let us know if you have any queries in this regard.



Best regards,


Lennar Home Community


Now, I am unable to setup on the unleashes app and it keeps failing due to the below error message.


FYI, I unplugged the downstairs unit and only had one AP active. Before the initial factory reset. Two leds are showing, the CTL light is blinking. 


Hi @Itrujillo 


Thanks for your response,


Please perform the factory reset on the other AP ( the one which you disconnected previously) by disconnecting the cables of the other AP ( the one in which you performed factory reset).


Also once you are done with the above process please share the image of the switch and the access points showing the LED status and the cable connections.


Please let us know if you have any queries in this regard.


Best regards,


Lennar Home Community

Still no luck, now I am unable to connect to the WIFI. 
