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Ruckus ICX Switch not working after power outage

New Contributor

After a power outage my ruckus icx switch is not providing power to the the ethernet ports. The access points are not receiving power. The modem works fine, the wifi works, but the SYST light on the switch is yellow. I have tried power cycling it and factory reseting it.


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Lunch_money

Thank you for reaching us. 

Could you please let me know if you are from Lennar homes ? 

Could you please help us with the picture of front panel of the switch after connecting to a power source? 



May I know how many Access Points are connected to the Switch? Could you please let me know the light status on the Access Points? Any of these lights are on (Please refer to the below picture and share a picture of the same)



Also please run through the below link and check if you have access to ICX switch using console (Upload this picture as well to the portal )

Please help us with pictures of your ICX-7150-C12P Switch showing the status of the lights. Also, light the status of Access Points.

Please upload the pictures using the below option in the portal. 

