01-12-2022 11:49 AM
I am running ICX7450's and some of our switches were pre-maturely upgraded to 08.0.92.
I would like to know if it is possible to migrate the OS from 08.0.92 [backward] to 08.0.90.
Has anyone tried this before? Is there a procedure for this?
Please, advise.
01-12-2022 12:47 PM
What are you using to push the code? Generally most customers initiate the copy from the switch CLI and use TFTP or SCP.
01-12-2022 12:52 PM
Does "primary" need to be in the following output:
SSH@ICX7450-24P Router#sh files
Type Size Name
F 32172120 secondary
F 162204 poe-fw
F 823 startup-config.txt
F 256 secondary.sig
F 1576 $$ssh8rsahost.key
F 256 primary.sig
01-12-2022 12:54 PM
If there is a valid image in primary flash, yes you should see primary in that list.
01-12-2022 12:59 PM
We use SCP via CLI on the server.
01-12-2022 01:25 PM
So you do not use 'copy scp flash' command? You are doing something like this?
pscp60 <filepath>\<filename.bin> <username>@<ip-addr>:flash:<pri/sec>:<filename.bin>
pscp60 SPR08090kufi.bin username@
It has been a long time since I have pushed from CLI of the SSH/SCP server, but that was an example I had saved. Sometimes we get syntax issues especially with the second time we type the filename.