I am running ICX7450's and some of our switches were pre-maturely upgraded to 08.0.92.
I would like to know if it is possible to migrate the OS from 08.0.92 [backward] to 08.0.90.
Has anyone tried this before? Is there a procedure for this?
I had to massage the instruction a bit, but I got it work.
ICX7450-24P Router#sh flashStack unit 1: Compressed Pri Code size = 33554432, Version:08.0.90kT213 (SPR08090k.bin) Compressed Sec Code size = 32172120, Version:08.0.92bT213 ...
ICX7450-24P Router(config)#no fips enableFIPS Error: System is not running in FIPS mode.
It says FIPS isn't running, but apparently it is somewhere.