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After reboot of the icx 7750 device following and outage the device is not responding to ARP request

New Contributor

So I had a network outage due to a Domain controller crashing during the troubelshooting for this I rebooted my ICX7750 which acts as our core switch and router. after fixing the DC issue our network came back up on our ethernet Vlan but our other vlans are sending out ARP request looking for their defalt gateways on the switch but are not being responded to. the gateways are all responding to pings from the ethernet network. I loaded a back up of the config from about one week befor the outage but their was no improvment. I can't work out why the switch would not be responding to the ARP messages?


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Jdziech

Thank you for reaching us

  • Could you help me with software version running in the switch ?
  • Could you also help us with ARP messages you are seeing on the switch ? Like a picture of the error messages or the logs messages you are concerned about ?



our version is 08.0.61T203. The Arp messages am seeing are with wireshark on a endpont conncted to the switch. I will attach screen shots of the packet capture. what i am seeing are arp who has messages looking for the defaultgate way of VLAN 2032 ( but no responce to that. I have checked the VLAN is configured with that IP and it is the same for the other VLANs as well but not all of them. I have configured one of my unused ports on a vlan that is effected and untagged it an then the traffic worked so i think this may be a vlan issue. 


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Team 

Ack and Noted. Could you please let me know if you are able to ping the default gateway from the switch and from the end device ?

Is the switch code a router code or a switch code ? Could you share output of "show version " ?

Could you also try to traceroute from end device and see if the traceroute 1st hop points to default gateway on vlan 2032 or not ?


New Contributor

Hi Chandini,
For clarity the working ethernet VLAN is 2020 the VLAN we are having issues with is 2032 and it's IP address on the switch is the default gateway for the 2032 VLAN devices on the 2032 VLAN cannot find the 2032 gateway but ones on 2020 can.
the switch can ping the default gateway and it can be ping by end devices on the working ethernet VLAN 2020 but cannot from endpoints on VLAN 2032. traceroute on the switch will show that the address is local. traceroutes from devices on the 2020 VLAN will resolve after 2 to 3 hops depending on how their wired in to the network (these paths are correct) but devices on VLAN 2032 will show destination host unreachable Pings will also not resolve. I have tested the physical connection to the 2032 VLAN and there is not an issue. We are licensed for L3 routing on this device and L2 is also enabled. I have also configured other used ports to take the place of the ports in LAG 2 where VLAN 2032 comes in to the network but this resulted in no change. show version and traceroute from the switch bellow. Thanks

traceroute on the switch.PNG
