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since ‎11-04-2021

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My switch is showing solid amber light for system and solid green for power.My Access points are not receiving power.  Please assist.Thank you  
I have the typical Lennar home Ruckus network: Switch: ICX 7150-C12P and two R510 access points.  My ISP (Frontier) is upgrading my home connection 1Gig therefore need an upgraded router. They sent me the "Eero Pro 6e" router and will also send me ad...
I am looking to extend my wifi coverage into my backyard. I have a couple RING cameras that keep on getting dropped signals.  My home is a single story large Lennar home.  There are a few cinder block or brick walls that are in between my two r510 's...
 Hello:I am trying to extend my wifi coverage throughout my home.  I have two r510s installed.  Which 3rd party extender is compatible with my Ruckus r510s?  I heard Linksys or TP Link are pretty good.Thank you 