Hi, If the local network is up and broadcasting SSIDs (assuming the switch is powering the APs) then it might not be the switch that's the issue. Do you get a valid IP address when you connect directly to the switch or AP? Is there a router you can c...
Hi Sergei, You need to look at the Zones on the SmartZone, not the system information. For example my lab SZ100 is on version 6.0 but the Zone Sam Evans is still using 5.2.2 FW.
You can also reference the upgrade guide for the complete commands required and options available for upgrading. For example here is the 08.0.91 upgrade guide: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/documents/2878-fastiron-08-0-91-ga-software-upgrade-gui...
Hi, From my tests in my lab on this today (on Unleashed FW you'll need to convert the APs back to standalone FW to allow them to join cloud. You can make use of the Crossbreeder tool to help with multiple APs: https://github.com/andr...
How long will the POC be? You can apply for a 30 day temporary licenses for the ZD here: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/temp_license_requests/new. Alternatively you'll need to contact Ruckus support for requests to transfer ZD licenses.