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help the installers log mac/serial for customer

New Contributor
Ruckus needs an easily removed sticker on the AP with serial number and mac address. This will allow installers to stick them on the install plan maps and not have to break out a pen and write a bunch of information down on paper for the customer. Xirrus does this and it is quite convenient.

New Contributor
Thanks for the help, I can finally get it to work now.

New Contributor III
We used a Motorola barcode scanner (if not mistaken Symbol LS 2208), borrowed from another department.
It helped us rapidly create an inventory of all our spare Ruckus devices.
The only disadvantage was the noise (which can probably be disabled), which reminded me of a supermarket cashier.

New Contributor
Last week, we pushed out the SWIPE App to the Apple App Store. If you're using the vSCG or SCG, you'll now be able to automatically collect info during the AP Registration process using SWIPE & email it.
Supported fields include: AP Name, MAC Addr, Serial Number, Model, IP Address, Last Seen Timestamp, Picture.

The process / workflow is as follows.
1. A technician goes to the site with several APs.
2. Tech fires up SWIPE & log onto the (v)SCG using standard IP connectivity (cellular or WiFi)
3. Tech grabs any AP, scan the barcode on the AP or the box for the SN & Mac Addr using the camera on the SmartPhone
4. Tech installs the AP & power it up
5. Tech takes a picture of the AP using the camera
6. Tech can change the name of the AP and enter in any Notes
7. Tech can run a performance check on the up/downstream speeds
8. Tech can email status report that includes the above info

A few other comments:
* SWIPE is free
* There is an Android version that's currently in development. It should be available in the next few weeks on Google Play
* SWIPE works with SCG version 2.5 or higher
* Other interesting capabilities in SWIPE including:
* A mapping tool to let you navigate to the site.
* Sort APs by proximity, highest standing alarm and search by name.
* For a full list, check the App store or the product page on the Ruckus Wireless Mobile Apps Product Page.

SWIPE on Apple App Store

Ruckus Wireless SWIPE Product Page

New Contributor II
Any chance SWIPE will be available soon on the 3 and 5 series zondirectors soon?

Esteemed Contributor II
Hi Andrew,

If developed, it's more likely for the upcoming SZ100 (SmartZone 100), an enterprise SCG type platform that will eventually replace ZoneDirectors, expected to debut early next year.