I am the Product Manager for the Mobile App Strategy at Ruckus Wireless. We continually are looking for ways to improve our product line, and while there isn't much work in a mobile app, there is a set of expectation that we continue to maintain and...
Hi Andrew,
SWIPE is a SCG (inclusive of SCG-200, and vSCG) only application.
There is a different application that only works with ZoneDirectors (all flavors), called ZoneDirector Remote Control. It doesn't address this use case, but it does oth...
Hi Carl,
I'm the Product Manager for the Mobile Apps. As a part of our ongoing process, we do monitor the market share for various different types of OSs and try to keep on top of trends. The analysis shows that Windows Phone is clearly 3rd in ter...
Last week, we pushed out the SWIPE App to the Apple App Store. If you're using the vSCG or SCG, you'll now be able to automatically collect info during the AP Registration process using SWIPE & email it.
Supported fields include: AP Name, MAC Add...
Thank you for these very good suggestions. There is some work being done in Ruckus on mobile apps. I'm not sure if you've seen ZoneDirector Remote Control? It's currently available on the iPad and we're planning on taking it to Google Play ...