RUCKUS Unleashed enables controller-less Wi-Fi architecture for small business environments with superior performance, lower costs and simplified management.
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Forum Posts

ICX 7150 C12P power

My switch will not stay powered on after resetting everything multiple time the switch will power on for a short period of time then turn off again. Any direction for this issue. The unit is less than three years old.


2つのAP(T610)でメッシュ構成をしたいのですが、メッシュ設定を行うと「Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes」と表示され管理画面に入れなくなります。 両方ともセットアップ完了後にメッシュ設定を行います。 どなたか分かる人がいましたら、教えてください。

Unleashed vs zone director

HiI am running 7 ruckus r510 in my house on unleashed. I have a zone director 1200 lying idle with me. Is there any performance difference if the Aps are run on unleashed vs on zonedirector.  All aps are hardwired to a POE switch.I am not liking the ...

Zone director vs unleashed

HiI am running 7 ruckus r510 in my house on unleashed. I have a zone director 1200 lying idle with me. Is there any performance difference if the Aps are run on unleashed vs on zonedirector.  All aps are hardwired to a POE switch.I am not liking the ...


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