01-14-2025 03:23 PM
I followed all of the steps for the first AP in the education video and cant see my AP in the staging area inside of virtual smartzone like in video, is there a setting inside of VSZ that I'm missing. also is there an easier way to deploy, detect and configure as I have 50+ to do and this seems not very efficient
01-15-2025 01:28 AM
I understand your R310 AP is detected by the vSZ controller. Please check/ provide the following details.
> Are you using a vSZ-Essential (vSZ-E) or vSZ-High Scale (vSZ-H) ?
>What is the current firmware on the AP, and that on the SmartZone?
>If you are using vSZ-E, what is the firmware on the default AP zone ?
>Please confirm if you have sufficient AP capacity licenses available on the vSZ.
DHCP option 43 sub opt 06 can be used to provide the controller's IP to the AP.
The controller's ip address should be configured under DHCP opt 43 sub opt 06 in hex form. Please use the below link to covert decimal IP address to hex form.
01-15-2025 06:44 AM
the r310 AP is not detected by our Vsz high scale running and the Aps are running we have plenty of licenses 🙄 already setup dhcp option 43 on the sonic wall and I get nothing in Vsz
01-15-2025 08:52 AM
Please check output for the following commands from the R310
get scg
get rpki-cert issuer
get ntp
Please make sure SSH is allowed between the AP's network to the vSZ controller.
01-15-2025 10:01 AM - edited 01-15-2025 10:03 AM
Copyright(C) 2021 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
rkscli: get scg
------ SCG Information ------
SCG Service is enabled.
AP is not managed by SCG.
Server List: I've ommitted this
No SSH tunnel exists
Failover List: Not found
Failover Max Retry: 2
DHCP Opt43 Code: 6
Server List from DHCP (Opt43/Opt52): Not found
SCG default URL: RuckusController
SCG config|heartbeat intervals: 30|30
SCG gwloss|serverloss timeouts: 1800|7200
Controller Cert Validation : disable
rkscli: get rpki-cert issuer
Issuer: RuckusPKI-DeviceSubCA-2
rkscli: get ntp
Device GMT time : Tue May 11 06:47:35 2021
Active NTP Server : ntp.ruckuswireless.com
Backup NTP Server : ntp.ruckuswireless.com
NTP Sync Interval : 60 minutes
NTP enabled: yes
ssh is enabled